Startpagina > EcoLIMS > Problemen > Locking problemen

Locking problemen

EcoLIMS vereist een server instelling met betrekking tot “Optimistic Record Locking” om correct te kunnen functioneren op een netwerk waarbij meerdere gebruikers inloggen in EcoLIMS en gelijktijdig wijzigingen aanbrengen. Als Optimistic Record Locking aan staat, kunnen er problemen (database corruptie, foutmeldingen) ontstaan als het werkstation na het wijzigen van de gegevens niet alles vrijgeeft.

Het probleem wordt als volgt omschreven:

Slow performance, workstations frequently locking up, and database corruption may be caused by opportunistic locking on the Windows NT or Windows 2000 server. To improve performance, Windows NT/2000 Server by default enables and uses opportunistic file locking to allow workstations to read more database records than they currently need. This read-ahead can cause database corruption when workstation B modifies the record previously read by workstation A, then workstation A does not flush the invalid data from the cache. We strongly recommend that opportunistic file locking be DISABLED on Windows NT Server 3.51 or 4.0 and Windows 2000 Server.


If you need to verify whether or not opportunistic file locking has already been disabled on your file server, you’ll need to check for an entry in the Windows NT/2000 Server registry. Please ask your network administrator to perform these steps, or get permission from your network administrator to enter the registry.

1. On the Windows NT/2000 Server taskbar, click START | RUN.

2. Enter REGEDT32; click OK.

3. You are now in the Windows NT/2000 Server registry. Navigate to:


4. If opportunistic file locking is already disabled, you’ll see the following entry in the server registry:

Value Name: EnableOplocks
Date Type: REG_DWORD
Data: 0

If the default data value is set to 1 (True) instead of 0 (false), then opportunistic locking has NOT been disabled. Also, if you checked the registry and found that the “Enable Oplocks” info (the three lines listed above) did not appear anywhere, the system is then assuming a TRUE value for the setting and opportunistic locking is NOT disabled.

Deze instelling geldt tevens voor Windows Server 2003 systemen.

Meer informatie over Optimistic Record Locking: